Since Winchgate has aquired Ryzom, it seems that events have happened more frequently than ever since I first started playing. And by events, I mean the devs or the CSRs taking control of NPCs and creatures, to make them act in a way that wouldn’t be seen during normal, regular gameplay. I will try to trace and summarize the events that have occured on Atys since it rose from its ashes to live again.
It started with a letter from the brand new event team : Animation4. They announced a very ambitious project, which was to bring roleplay back to Atys, in order to make the four civilisations grow in importance, in order to make Atys feel even more alive and immersive. Roleplay would then be as much of a part of the environment as the yubos peeing on your shoes or the ever changing weather cycle. And then, the devs got busy, and brought us our first invasion event since ages.